If you have worked at any size of company before or now, you have had the difficulty about inconsistent code styles to work with. I have worked at a company which has front-end code based on Rails platform. At that time, it was really diffult to have code convention tools for front-end. So, whenever someone has pull request to get review, other engineers need to make a comment on each code convention issue. Obviously, there were some struggling about those comments since it doesn’t affect on the performance at all, it just style preference, and it cannot be agreed from all of the engineering team sometimes. In that situation, some engineers ignore the comment and merge their pull request without applying it, and it can be a critical communication issue.
Fortunately, the architect team decided to move on to node.js platform for front-end, and we could introduce code convention tools for entire JavaScript code. Then, integrated with CI tool, jenkins, to run lint testing whenever there is new pull request created.
I would like to share how to set up the linter tool for JavaScript code base application, and how to integrate with Travis CI for your personal projects on Github.